
You've got a second to move out, said ninja to the fish

Jeg fandt lige noget af det fedeste musik længe i gemmerne på min iTunes - TIGER TUNES! bandet har længe ikke udgivet meget musik af hvad jeg ved af (men noget, jeg har bare ikke hørt det endnu) og har i følge deres hjemmeside http://www.tigertunes.dk/ afsluttet projektet. Det musik jeg har er fra 2005 på pladen "absolutely wothless compared to important books", men det er stadig super meget værd at høre! Sødt, lidt plasic-agtigt (på den gode måde), poppet, festligt, sejt og sjovt at lytte til! Her er et par eksempler på deres überfede musik.

I recently found the coolest music ever hidden away for such a long time in my iTunes - TIGER TUNES! the band has not publisshed much music lately of what I know of (but some - though I haven't heard it) and has, according to their webpage www.tigertunes.dk, called it quits on the project. The music I've got is from 2005 on the record "absolutely wothless compared to important books", but it's still worth a listen! Sweet, plastic-y (in the good way), poppish, partyish, cool and fun to listen to. I found some examples of their über cool music for you to hear.

1 comment:

Isabel Hendrix said...

I like their upbeat sort of poppy sound.. The singer sounds like the singer from Of Montreal a little.. :)
