
new in, berlin

I Berlin var min søster og jeg ikke kun omrking tøjbutikker. Vi kom blandt andet forbi Berlinische Galerie, hvor jeg købte bogen "Mach dieses Buch fertig" som stort set handler om at gøre de ting, der står på de forskellige sider. For eksempel som at tegne vilde og hæmingsløse krusseduller, smøre kaffegrums ud over en side eller klistre en avisside ind. Derudover kom vi den allersidste dag forbi en lille papirbiks, hvor vi begge kom til at gå lidt amok med at købe tuscher og papir. Jeg købte en blok papir med kornblomster inde i selve papiret (man kunne også få det med rosenblade og kløvere - et meget svært valg!). Jeg ved ikke hvad jeg vil bruge papiret til, men hvor er det altså bare flot! Derudover fandt vi ud af at de der gode sorte "markere" er super billige i Berlin, så dem tog jeg to med hjem af - tænk at man kan komme helt op at give næsten 30kr for sådan en herhjemme!

My sister and I did not just go clothes-shopping. We also went by the Berlinische Galerie, at which I bought the book "Mach dieses Buch fertig" which basically is about doing what stands on the pages. Examples are drawing wild and uninhibited doodles, smearing coffee all over a page and gluing a newspaper page into the book. The very last day we also made our way by a little papershop in which we went a little crazy with buying markers and paper. I bought a paperpad made from paper with cornflower in it (you can also get it with rose petals or clovers - a difficult choice!). I'm not sure what I'll use the paper for, but it is just so pretty! We also found out that those good, black markers are extremely cheap in Berlin, so I bought two of them.


Acid Wallpaper said...

Stationary shopping is an absolute underestimated TREAT! Love the idea of that book, and so excited to go to Berlin (in March, too far away). Will be trawling through your blog until then for recommendations.

Sarah x

acid wallpaper

Anonymous said...

hey:-) vil bare lige pointere, at bogen kan findes i Urban Outfitters på engelsk til 100,-, hvis det kunne være noget!
I tilfælde af, at man ikke forstår tysk! :-)

Olivia said...

Beautifulllll stationary!! I worked in a high-end stationary boutique for 2 years! I'm obsessed....look up Scout Honor Co. stationary....handmade cute things. I love your blog by the way...I'm now following :)



Maja said...

uh jeg har selv den bog, jeg elsker den! Jeg købte den dog over nettet til 80 kr. på engelsk, hvis det var noget ;) Men nu har du den jo på tysk.

Ceciliette said...

Sometimes no cloth shopping is way better! and cheaper nowadays hahahah. The books sounds great.. now, we have to see your doodles..put those markers at work!



I'm such a sucker for stationery! Love this post



Ida Marie said...

Hehe det var da en sjov bog, elsker sådan nogle finurlige bøger! :)

Ida, blogger på http://www.fashion-cocktail.com/ :)