
Vs magazine på væggen

 Jeg købte sådan set kun Vs magazine grundet de fantastiske modeserie-billeder der var deri, som jeg med det samme vidste skulle pryde væggene herhjemme i Nøvling. Her er hvad jeg har valgt at pynte min tilværelse med:

I actually only bought Vs magazine because of the amazing editorials within, which I instantly knew would adorn my walls here at home in Nøvling. Here you'll see what I chose to decorate my sorroundings with:

Asian Beauty
fotograf: Mark Squire

Jeg tænkte at denne super fine asiatiske skønhed ville passe perfekt på mit lille badeværelse.
I though this amazing asian beauty would fit perfectly on the walls of my little bathroom.

Tutti Frutti
 fotograf: Ellen Von Unwerth

Jeg er helt vild med farverne i de her billeder! Det tropiske tema og de sjove billeder er lige hvad der manglede for at live op på min kedelige hvide væg over sengen.
I am going crazy about the colours in these photos! The tropical theme and somewhat humorous pictures are just what was missing to get some live onto the white wall above my bed.

1 comment:

laurenjean. said...

I love you little square clear make up box/drawer. it would go so perfectly on my vanity. hot design asthetic.

btw... are you loving your litas yet?? (did you find them slightly intimidating when they arrived and you took them out of the box?? )

