

I decided to wear a beachy tee to bringe the summer nearer, since the rest of the country got sunshine today, while we had to deal with rain. And I just like milk a lot. Like, A LOT a lot! p.s.: If you're good you can see my image editing skills: the stairs on the wall and my shoe-shelves have gone on this photo - yep, I did it all my selv. On the computer, not in real life, you know.

Så er jeg kommet hjem fra min skriftlig musikårsprøve. Jeg må sige, det gik rimelig okay, selvom mit arragement af "here comes the summer son" blev super cheesy. Rigtig, rigtig kikset, men jeg hyggede mig da! Af en eller anden grund sad jeg og fnisede hele prøven igennem fordi arrangementet var så hylemorsomt, mens jeg spilde te ud over hele bordet, snaskede papirene til med kanelsnegle og satte mig til at spille små melodier på keyboardet da jeg var færdig. Bagefter tog jeg ind til byen for at spise nachos med Kathrine og Kia - og forresten fik jeg endnu en P-bøde, eftersom skolen har alt for få parkeringspladser efter min smag! øv! Nu glæder jeg mig bare til jazz og lækker mad i aften!

Now I'm home from my written music exam. I must say, it went.. okay, even though my arrangement of "here comes the summer son" got to be really cheesy. Like, really, really cheesy, but I had fun. I sat and giggled at my arrangement the entire exam and spilt tea everywhere and played little melodies on the keyboard when I finished. After that, Kia, Kathrine and I went to get nachos - oh and by th way, I got another parking ticket! The school just doesn't have enough parkinglots for my taste! damn! Now I'm just looking forward to jazz and delicious food tonight.  

1 comment:

ThePinkMargarita ♚ said...

wish i could hear your arrangement! bet it's good :) good luck by the way! take care.

much love,