
Marylin modeling agency i Paris

I onsdags, da jeg mødte Dempsey Stewart på gaden, blev jeg inviteret op på hendes modelbureau af en dame fra bureauet. Jeg vidste ikke rigtig hvorfor, men i fredags tog jeg så turen derhen for at undersøge det nærmere. Det hele var lidt underligt, eftersom jeg altid har ønsket at være en model (men kan ikke da jeg er for lille) og derfor var ultra nervøs da jeg ankom. Damen fra bureauet startede med at spørge hvad der var galt med mig, hvorefter jeg lige skulle samle mig og få forklaret hende det hele. Hun synes det var meget sødt og viste mig rundt på bureauet og sagde til mig, at hvis jeg ville have lyst til at lave et "piece" eller "paper" eller interview med en af modellerne på bureauet, skulle jeg bare kontakte hende og så vil hun, så at sige, hooke mig op. Og hvis jeg engang kom til Paris igen, skulle jeg sige til, så kunne jeg måske få mig et møde med en af pigerne. Mega fedt! Jeg snuppede nogle af pigernes kort med hjem og har siden siddet og nørdet Marilyn Paris's hjemmeside, for at finde ud af hvad jeg vil lave og med hvilken model. 

Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at finde ud af, hvad I læsere kunne tænke jer at høre om og om I har en specifik model som I gerne vil læse et interview med? Hvis du kunne spørge en model - enten en ny og lidt "mindre" model som f.eks. Dempsey eller en mere kendt model som f.eks Coco Rocha (hvis jeg kan få mig et interview med hende) - hvad ville du så spørge hende om? Vil i høre om modellivet eller have tips til shopping, skønhed, rejser osv? Sig til hvis du har en god idé, jeg brainstormer allerede!

Wednesday when I met Dempsey Stewart on the street in Paris, a woman from her agency asked me to come visit the agency. I didn't really know why, so to find out why, I went to the agency Friday. It was a bit scary, because my biggest wish now and since I was 11, is to become a model (but I can't because I'm too small), so I was therefore extremely nervous when I arrived at the agency. The lady from the agency started asking what was wrong with me, and so I had to explain it all to her. She thought it was very cute and then showed me around the agency. She told me that if I would want to do a piece or a paper or an interview with any of their models, I should just contact her and she'd hook me up. Amazing! I grabbed a couple of the girls' cards and I've been browsing Marylin Paris's website to find out what I want to do and with which model.

I'd love to hear what my readers would like to read about if and do you want to read about any specific model? If you could ask a model something - a newer model like Dempsey or a more known model like Coco Rocha (if I could get her) - what would you ask her? Do you want to read about the modeling life or get tips about shopping, beauty or trveling? let me hear if you have an idea, I'm brainstorming already!


MartaPalczewska said...

Wow! Wonderful models!

Francis Luna said...

Congratulations on achieving that feat!

Hmm, what question[s] should you ask ? I have some ideas :

How can you prove that people going into the modelling industry doesn't JUST do it for validating themselves?

What can be a model's milestone of their career?

The fashion designers and the companies that you work with,are they always critical of your body image by criticizing that you should be this and that?

How do models keep their visage healthy ?

What does modelling and fashion
mean to you?

Sorry for bombarding in with questions, its okay if you don't use them. They're just ideas.

Marie My said...

Hi Francis Luna, it's definately nice to hear what you would ask them - some questions I didn't even think about! It's always nice to hear it from other peoples perspectives!

Jenaly Enns said...

WOW. that is awesome!!
